Ronnie Penque’s “Panama Dead” at Roy's Hall | Explore Warren


Ronnie Penque’s “Panama Dead” at Roy's Hall

Saturday, November 20, 2021 - 8:00pm

Ronnie Penque of The New Riders of the Purple Sage brings you Panama Dead, a tribute to the music of the classic NRPS. Panama Dead Plays all the classic NRPS songs from Henry and Last Lonely Eagle, to Glendale Train, Panama Red and plenty of deep cuts from the NRPS catalog. The band is: Ronnie Penque on bass guitar and lead vocals, Mike Flynn on lead guitar and vocals, Wayne Wilson on pedal steel guitar, Kevin Johnson on drums and Jeff Pearlman on keyboards and vocals. $24 General Admission in advance. 

Roy’s Hall

ROY’s HALL is operated by Blairstown Live-Arts, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)(3) cultural institution with the goal of promoting a broad appreciation of the interplay between culture and artistic expression.

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