Balloons Over Warren County Painting Workshop - CANCELED BY WEATHER | Explore Warren


Balloons Over Warren County Painting Workshop - CANCELED BY WEATHER

NOTE: This event has been canceled due to the weather. On Thursday, June 3, from 4-6pm, join artist Gina Reduzzi, of Art Decanted, as she takes you through painting a picturesque landscape of the rolling hills of Warren County and hot air balloon that graces the skies of our beautiful backyard. Gina will take you through painting the scene in acrylic. The difficulty level is low to moderate, so don’t hesitate to join in! You can make it more challenging by adding more or fewer balloons, and you will even be allowed to create your own patterns! Dress appropriately as you may get paint on things other than the canvas. $25 per person, for festival goers. Space is limited. Click here to sign up.